I’m a psychiatrist. This is really a different content I’m bringing here motivated by the many posts about our new social score system: the behaviour score.

There is an old movie called minority report. A distopian movie where humanity trusted police to arrest before crimes happened. Believing they didn’t have to know, only the police.

There is an old poem called First they came, by Pastor Martin Niemöller. About the nazi. The link is for the holocaust memorial. The poem is about doing nothing while injustice doesn’t touch us.

How this relates to our system? We are trusting a computer system which, although it is based on human inputs, we know nothing about how it really works to define if people are “toxic” or not.

When anyone posts about the system it goes by “guys, I’m getting low and I think it is unfair” and the answers are “if the system is punishing you, it means you deserve to be punished.”

The BS should be calibrated to lower toxicity only. It’s not supposed to be treated by the community like the Chinese social score system, or the star of the jews. Its not supposed to be a scar in someone’s face that automatically deprives them of any reason.

Dota is just a game. But he who doesn’t know history is doomed to repeat it. The way we are dividing ourselves because of it goes beyond a game. “What is wrong with dota?” JUDGEMENT creates animosity. Half of dota players suffers from something in their real lifes.

So next time someone complains about their BS, even if the person doesn’t have a reason, we should hear them. Else, we risk creating a prototype of a distopian world where we trust AI for what it wasn’t meant to be.

  • niztaoHB
    10 months ago

    The thing is, they are heard. They receive messages from devs for their ID so they can look into it, they tell them they don’t need to do that. They post their dotabuff, they have 12 abandons in 100 games. They claim to not be toxic, they start cussing out people in their own Reddit thread who don’t agree with them.

    Show me a BS complainer and I will show you an Archon 1, pos 4 Mirana arrowing creeps, spam-pinging allies named “Swap commends” who is only interested in farming Behaviour Score in turbo. It is not fair IF people are punished unfairly. What is far more likely to happen, though, is consensus among Dota players that they ARE annoying to deal with. They may not see it, they may not feel it, but most other players do. Time and time again these people show themselves to be incapable of growth.

    Half of dota players suffers from something in their real lifes.

    This is something I can agree on. However, this doesn’t mean they get to make it anyone else’s problem. Life sucks, things go wrong, you don’t get to control every aspect of your life, but you control how you deal with that feeling. Handling this poorly doesn’t make you more of a victim of life’s circumstances.

    Also, supposed psychiatrist trying to be philosophical, basing ideas on popular media and Holocaust comparisons? I have a hard time taking you seriously.