Let me elaborate. The Titans are one of those teams who are bad, don’t have a team full of play makers (definitely a few though) where as us, it feels like yeah, a lot of young talent, but a team full of potential big play makers all over the field. The Titans, as well as other teams who play against us, just have these guys who will wrack up a TON of stats against us, and we don’t ever seem to have that 1 guy who is just destroying a team anymore.

We never have that 1 defensive player (Outside of Bates in our first game) that get multiple sacks in one game, INT and FF, and always about to hit the QB. Or, that 1 offensive player that is just always open no matter what, that the defense just can’t account for.

Why does it seem like bad teams (or just teams that don’t have on paper star talent) do that do us in pretty much every game, just in different ways. But we don’t ever seem to impose our will on other teams, and have ballers making huge plays? I think we won 3 maybe 4 games last year from us getting an INT on the other teams would-be game winning drive. This year, we should be getting 2 INTs a game! But it’s not happening.

On paper, we should be playing MUCH better, we are playing BAD teams, worst in the league technically, so does that male us bad too? And please don’t just say “Ridder!” It’s not Ridders fault our run game sucks compared to last year, and we have 1 more great RB this season. Our O line was 100% worse, eventhough we’ve added talent, everything just feels worse, eventhough technically it’s better that last year in almost every way, but we still can’t make any game look easy. This Titans game should have been easy for us.

  • Tuddy-BuddyB
    11 months ago

    I know this will be wildly unpopular, but this includes Grady. He’s been the guy everyone wants to be good, but he’s only been ok for a few years. He doesn’t impose his will, gets lost in the game sometimes, and just doesn’t close down games. He’s an above-average guy, but so many of our fans look at him as if he’s elite, and he’s just not.