Here’s a question for one section of the online Steelers fanbase. In your opinion, how well does Twitter, Reddit, other popular haunts online represent the Steelers fanbase?

Through most of my experience, I’ve noticed that a large majority of the most vocal fans on Twitter do not in any way represent the way I feel about the ball club.

For instance, most seem infatuated with statistics and much less about winning. Others openly root for losses in order for better draft picks. Most get caught up in day-to-day narratives spun up by talking heads when I’m just over here trying to have a steady, even-keeled WINNING franchise.

Which is something a lot of these folks online seem to take for granted. I mean, I’d watch a player like Dan Kreider run the ball 30 times a game mixed in with accurate Josh Miller coffin corner punts if it meant we would win consistently.

So in summary, what are your thoughts on the online Steelers community and is it generally representative of your fandom?

  • biglubawski97B
    11 months ago

    I’d say not that well. Feel like all platforms (in regard to fans posting about the team) are largely ways for fans to vent their frustrations, so most of the time you have unmitigated doom-posting rather than more nuanced and measured takes that are more indicative of how the fanbase actually feels.