I have 15 games, I play 2 and rest collect dust 😂

  • Andykt76B
    11 months ago

    Used to have my SteamDeck full of games. Got to a point where I was overwhelmed by what to play. Decided to wipe and start again. Now I only have maximum of 4 games installed at a time. One big story game (currently Control, will be Alan Wake II after) one arcade like game (currently Hades) and one spare (currently Forza 5). This gives me the focus to actually progress the game to finish.

    Doing this I managed to finish: God of War, Guardians of the Galaxy, Quatum Break, Alan Wake, Max Payne 1&2, Batman Arkham Asylum and Divinity Original Sin. Been a blast and really helped me enjoy my Deck again instead of spending hours curating and tweaking each game to play how I want and moving onto the next (felt like a job!)