I played literally a single Gwen game at some point, didn’t really enjoy it, but I learned that the thing under her health bar is her stacking her Q with auto attacks which makes her do more Q’s and it times out if she isn’t attacking anything.

Ever since, laning against her has become a lot simpler. I’m too lazy to do it, but I’m sure if I just played a single game of every champ I’d have similar revelations and rise up the ranks.

  • npri0rB
    11 months ago

    Katarina. Used to be my perma ban because she was always dashing around, no CDs, always everywhere on the map and deleting teams with her R.

    Until I played her and realised her dashes don’t entirely reset off daggers, and have a fair CD early even when she dashes to a dagger. Without your dash to gapclose you’re pretty much useless and really easy to bully. And her daggers are also a really predictable damage source. So you can either not go near daggers and she’s useless, or bait stand near a dagger and kill her when she dashes.