it’s legit crazy how many times i see fresh accounts, and 70% of the time these players behind these “low level” accounts are just perma griefers. either they are just trolling, or they managed to get elo inflated so hard that now they just run it down every single game going 10+deaths because they don’t belong in x Elo. And today i played 7games in master, and in 3 of these games there was one guy intentionally ruining the game, every single player was a Low level account and they build the dumbest items possible for their champions they play. 1 guy goes janna statik shiv toplane, the other one went evenshroud fiddlesticks support, another one went NIGHT HARVESTER on Janna support. Like it’s unreal i swear. I saw a lv 37 nunu just perma snowballing it down mid going 15deaths today, these players are not real humans and i swear Solo q quality is suffering so much from these low level account invaders across all Elos

  • LDNVoiceB
    11 months ago

    I mean I think your arguing the wrong point here. No one should’ve wanted smurf queue removed, only CHANGED. It was shit yes, exactly for the reasons you mentioned. But fix that not just remove the idea entirely. Like a returning player being thrown into smurf queue, surely riot can detect if they haven’t played in 3 years, it really isn’t that hard lmao. Or starting your season late on a reliable account. These metrics aren’t hard to measure