• @unitedfan6191B
    18 months ago


    I once shared a similar opinion and also suggesting a more premium screen option and also suggested that perhaps Apple are not as innovative as they used to be but got bombarded with downvotes and aggressiveness by Apple fans and apologists saying things like, “if you cannot afford premium (for the record, I have several expensive Apple devices), then get a crappy Samsung Galaxy or something with its poor battery life and lack of tablet-optimized apps while we enjoy premium quality.

    It was then that further cemented for me that Apple (as well as many other corporations and even people) likely has a crazy amount of loud, arrogant, condescending, rude (but loyal) fans on Reddit (or the internet in general) who will defend them until the end and these are the people who encourage Apple to be complacent and perhaps even greedy.

    • @PhoenixStorm1015B
      18 months ago

      That’s something that honestly has refreshed me browsing r/Leatherman. Yeah, Leatherman fanboys will rant against Gerber and SOG tools all day, but they’re also mad shitting on Leatherman when they misstep.

    • @cuentanuevaB
      18 months ago

      The funny thing is that a LOT of those that say things like that, have an iPhone SE and a 10 year old MacBook and talk as if those that got a 1800 dollar Galaxy Fold are poor.

      Obviously there’s nothing wrong with those. Just saying it’s a weird ass mindset to pretend your cheaper and significantly older product is better because it has some brand and not another.

      Apple really did amazingly well with their marketing. They managed to make some people believe that a literal consumer product, that sells into the hundreds of millions each year, is some sort of ultra premium item that’s unattainable and brings some prestige above the rest and it generates some inexplicable weird fetish.

    • @KingLancelot1991B
      18 months ago

      I’m an Apple fan lol, some zealots exist but there’s lots of paid shills too.

    • @dr_blastoB
      18 months ago

      I have never understood the people who feel the need to white knight some mega corp.

      Neither Samsung nor Apple are gonna sleep with you, bro.

    • @PoorMansTonyStarkB
      18 months ago

      Apple also astroturfs reddit quite badly (just like microsoft does, and certain film stars).