I’ve told him like 4 times what hitscan characters are, but he just doesn’t get it. I tell him that Widowmaker is hitscan, and he says that she has projectiles and therefore isn’t hitsscan. I’ve told him what the hitscan means, where you click on a target and they take damage without a projectile, but he still doesn’t quite understand how it works and will still yell at me if I say Ashe is hitscan.

    10 months ago

    Hitscan characters basically have a big invisible laser out of their gun always. If you click , and anyone’s hit box is touching your “laser” they take damage. Projectiles are typically slow as hell look at a junk primary, or concussion mine. Reins fire strike? Syms alt fire?

    I’m pretty dumb at video game lingo , and I picked this up instantly. Projectiles act like basket balls, hitscan act like real bullets