Lol u think metal ranks would team up on mercy like that? 😂
Lol u think metal ranks would team up on mercy like that? 😂
C9 is simple : you won the fight , and (usually) in the glory of chasing kills, lost the objective.
I see it most often confused with a back cap… but in some cases it IS still a C9. If you’re spawn camping enemy, and Sombra back caps you…that’s a C9. You’re winning / controlling the fight , and someone back capped the objective you’re ignoring / forgetting / assuming you own.
Also. If 2 teams are fighting for the payload in overtime, and each team gets some kills, meaning there’s 2 or 3 left on each team, and the fight turns in one teams favor and they have more players / more respawning teammates, but the contesting player jumps off or chases a little too far and the time expires…That’s a C9. Even though the enemy team has players left…you won the fight , the point is rightfully yours , but you C9’d the objective.
However: if someone is booped or cc’d off point, or simply cannot touch , that is not a C9. The enemy influenced the fight back into their favor.
You cannot accuse someone of a C9 simply for not touching when they theoretically could have. A Moira being the only one who can contest a 1v5 while the rest of your team is spawning or elsewhere, is suicide. The fight was in no way “won”
Remember : there are a lot of different perspectives in any match. Some people wont see the boop, or the javelin, or the Hitscan forcing you to cover. Some people dont know exactly what a C9 is… or since it’s literally based on one specific team play once upon a time, maybe it’s evolved into more broad terms. Hell it can apply to games other than Overwatch.
To me it’s simple: You won! But you lost because you forgot to claim the prize.
Wow I never thought of it that way but… yea YIKES
Took me from Bronze to plat. I’m cool with him
You’re always better off reporting Toxic chat , even if they weren’t talking (but especially if they said something). No reports have consequences except for stacked abusive chat reports; they result in an automatic mute ban after only a few reports. They won’t be able to talk to others , or among themselves / friends.
I never understood stats in games so I played WoW for about 2 years as a rogue wearing intellect cloth armor… yeaaaaaaah…
Most carry potential for sure. Rein can clean up teams. It’s my highest SR and the role I enjoy the most.
I’m a Rein dood. You can shield yourself and teammates from the boosted missiles pretty easy. You can let one through on occasion to conserve shield and allow some healing / shield regeneration. Fire strike easy to land on either of them, or their teammates. Hitting a double strike easy kills. Also Pharas float to the ground is very predictable. Peek the off-angle and the pin is almost guaranteed. Sometimes I get the mercy by mistake and that’s even better. Hope that helps
Junkrat. lol, 2 tap deleteeee. I usually start on more dynamic or aim based hero. I try to have as much fun as possible on dps. If I feel like I’m being focused or losing bad and I need to carry , the Rat always got my back
Junkrat. lol, 2 tap deleteeee. I usually start on more dynamic or aim based hero. I try to have as much fun as possible on dps. If I feel like I’m being focused or losing bad and I need to carry , the Rat always got my back
I don’t like Bap…He’s way too cheeky, the pubescent vocal breaks, the hair looks awful and the bisexual undertones and voice lines come off weird and kinky to me, and not as “inclusive” as I think the devs meant for 😂 seriously this guy is PUSHY with like half the cast
I think he’s improved. however I do believe he should’ve been comp locked for a week (although they already pushed the rework back , so I get that aspect of it) I’m just sorry for everyone who’s losing games because their tank is experimenting with Hog before trying it out in QP first. A lot of people who haven’t been playing returned to try it out, a lot of DPS and support mains trying it too and it’s just a recipe for a loss (and possible misconception of his strength) to be played by someone who’s not fluid with the tank role , or doesn’t have a hero to swap to when it’s not working.
His new projectile fire is pretty long range
Yeah bro! If you enjoy the game…play it! I’m absolute garbage and I queue comp all day every day. Metal ranks 4 life bro!! Hahaha . Win streaks , L streaks… it happens. Been as low as bottom 500 / bronze 5. Settled out mid gold. QP you’ll catch flames for some reason, but you can mute chats if it’s that bad. Otherwise just ignore it. Say nice things and try your best <3
Raven Lord reaper…. king Jamieson for Junk 😂 Winston Experiment 34…
Broken good or broken bad ? 😂😅 I’d be scatter Arrow into the feet of the only tank lol
Hitscan characters basically have a big invisible laser out of their gun always. If you click , and anyone’s hit box is touching your “laser” they take damage. Projectiles are typically slow as hell look at a junk primary, or concussion mine. Reins fire strike? Syms alt fire?
I’m pretty dumb at video game lingo , and I picked this up instantly. Projectiles act like basket balls, hitscan act like real bullets
Just to clarify: alls I’m saying is we aren’t all begging for new content always and are never satisfied…
when I played WoW all I wanted was them to save PvP (and they did OK bringing back point buy for gear) the game just got to expensive for my lifestyle.
I love overwatch. I don’t need a new hero every other pass, the over introduction of new heroes is changing the game A LOT. New maps are always nice . Again doesn’t need to be every other pass. All I care for is a meta shake every 3-6 months. Whether it’s reworked heroes , or blanketed balance changes…That’s the problem with switching to paid battle pass. People only buy them when you attach something flashy to it, so ofcourse there’s pressure now to produce.
Bring back pink mercy at 10$ and watch the bank acct flood. You don’t need to add a rushed hero into the game, hindering gameplay, when all you needed was a decent promo a few times per year
Ahh gotta love a negative blanket statement , aimed at your supporters 👍🏼
I’ve swapped E and Shift for : Brig, Tracer, Ana, Symmetra… couldn’t tell you exactly why. It’s been years.
I always had E as my blink for mage in Wow keybinds so it feels natural , and also forward movement. Shift I prefer as a survival ability (it is for Moira, Reaper and many others) so the nade, recall, and tele all feel natural there for me.
E is my skill shot/ projectile. Whether it’s a Fire Strike, Moira orb, Javelin… or sleep dart / sym turret, or whip shot . Honestly I may have it swapped for Orisa too 😂 not sure what the default is there.