Specificially hitscan DPS, with Hanzo being a special exception due to how absurd his damage is from just spamming LMB.

You play a tank?

  • You have a hitbox the size of the moon.
  • You have EXTREMELY limited damage or ammo.
  • Unless you have something like Orisa shift, Doom E, Ram block and etc, you just get LITERALLY MELTED by every braindead hitscan abomination out there.
    • Soldier kills you in one clip without breaking a sweat.
    • Hanzo 3 taps you.
    • Bastion makes you not exist.
    • Sym kills you instantly, especially if you have a shield.
  • Your damage is too telegraphed to hit anyone even slightly mobile.
  • Ana makes it so you can’t be healed, and you just auto lose because wowie you’re the only tank in the game and you’re usually in the front line.
  • Your kit is tuned to need your team around in order to get anything done, so if your DPS aren’t good, you just lose.

You play healer?

  • Have fun being chased by divers all game since there’s only one tank now, and if it’s not that, it’s Soldier with his sniper melting you across the map.
  • You don’t have CC or anything anymore outside of Ana, so it’s not like you can peel yourself.
  • Most healers have like 200 or less health, so you can’t run away either since you die instantly.
  • You run out of healing juice / ammo / etc for LITERALLY a split second? Everyone around you dies, since damage is so high.
  • Outside of Moira and a cheating Bap / Zen, you have like no damage, so you can’t just carry on your own either.
  • The state of your DPS determine the outcome of your game.

You play projectile DPS?

  • Your damage sucks.
  • You don’t have the utility to make up for it.
  • Your hitbox is usually gigantic.
  • You’re usually immobile.
  • Your damage is super telegraphed and easy to avoid.
  • You have a lower fire rate / lower range / low ammo / long reload times.
  • Even if you consistently headshot you don’t do damage.

You play hitscan DPS, or Hanzo?

  • You have god tier damage for literally no reason.
  • You usually have a good kit to back up your absurd LMB spam damage.
  • You don’t have to think about what you’re doing, you have no leading, no bullet drop, you just point and click.
  • You’re usually mobile.
  • Your hitbox is itty bitty.
  • You have next to no reload time, if any.
  • You have basically no damage drop off, even Reaper’s shot guns do damage at 90% of the usual ranges in the game.
  • Since hitscan damage is instant and guaranteed, your damage is not predictable or telegraphed at all.
  • You LITERALLY MELT shields, tanks, and everything that could potentially stop you.
  • If you can head shot you instantaneously kill everything and everyone.
  • You can single handedly determine the outcome of literally every fight.

… like, what’s the deal? Why is hitscan so strong? It’s been this way since the game came out too (and I’m talking OW1), and I really don’t understand it. I love playing things like Torb, Mei, Sym, tanks, healers, and etc, but why ever bother when I could just play Reaper or 76 or any other super fun and fair hitscan and turn my brain off to automatically win every game?

  • YuukikonekoOPB
    10 months ago

    I don’t want to. I enjoy playing utility characters, tanks, etc. in every game, not just OW. But damage is absurd now, and where in ancient history I felt like I could carry as a healer or something like Mei, now I feel like the only way you win is by having more damage than the enemy team.

    And I say that being on average 3800 to a little over 4k rating back in OW1.