Ragequitting has always been bad in OW, but seems even worse with it going F2P, with no serious penalties for leaving matches. Given how much this ruins a 5v5 team based game every time it happens you’d think they’d institute more serious consequences. But it occurred to me, why not let them face their own consequences and make those people 1000 times more likely to be match up with other ragequitters and those that never ragequit get paired with other people that tend to stick it out, no matter what… Thoughts??

  • CasualSkyB
    10 个月前

    I actually don’t agree, because when you’re in charge of a game you’re in charge of its success. Player count, advertisement, engagement.

    If leavers were matched with leavers, then the game would become severely less enjoyable for those people. “Well that’s what I want! Leaving should be discouraged!” Well, that’s a nice ideology but sadly everything is about driving up numbers, not discouraging a chunk of player base by putting them into a bracket where they would have a worse experience. And they would.

    I would not pick up overwatch if every time I joined I got a game of leavers, it would be a lot harder to log in and play the game for those people. Not to mention building a system for that, essentially another hidden MMR but for leaving. And that’s a lot of work for a function that will alienate a section of the player base. Good idea in theory, but in practice we’re shooting ourselves in the foot with this.