I just need to be clear on the subject.

Laning phase right now It’s straight up boring. You might want to play aggressive but more times than not, you’re punished for getting a kill because with TP they can just farm the rest of the wave anyway. They even get xp leads in some cases. I won the trade, I should be ahead… but lil bro TPd and bought a “ninja tabi”. Well gg.

With D. Shield alongside Second wind, players are straight up outsustaining matchups where they shouldn’t. Some of them are just a stand still, waiting for the jungler to do something.

Fun gameplay is uninteractive gameplay, am I right? Let the rest of the team decide who wins on a coinflip. I mean, matchmaking already does that for us anyway. This is soloQ, riot doesn’t…

Oh wait, I just described Toplane gameplay from words 2023.

  • tryme000000B
    10 months ago

    i agree, i hate d shield + second wind meta if i were working at riot it would be one of the first things i’d nerf. doesn’t matter how well u lane enemy can just sit and heal under tower and wait for wave