When it’s offseason and the Bills miss the playoffs and fans and players are pissed who has the real power? I think it’s Allen, McD then Beane. I wish it was Beane, Allen then McD. But when the shit hits the fan and the owner is 1 on 1 in a room with each of these guys I think it goes A,M,B.

  • KaleidoscopeOk19B
    10 months ago

    No shot they’re a package deal. “McBeane” was coined in terms of the turnaround and instilling competence back in the building, straightening out dysfunction, and adding talent. That all happened.

    McD’s biggest knock, and likely his downfall in the near future, is in game coaching. Beane doesn’t have any control over that. Beane has done his job very well, albeit with a few questionable signings/draft picks lately. But you don’t get fired for a couple questionable moves when you engineered a turnaround this large. He’ll get at least one more HC to work with.