Welcome to Suicide Squad Insider! In this first episode, the team at Rocksteady deep dives into the main story of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, the...
I’ll admit I’m confused at a portion of the outrage
GaaS, always online regardless of multiplayer, battlepasses? 100% I understand the hatred and gladly join in on it
But I’m confused how people are upset that this is a third person shooter. Neither of these characters can really hold a candle to Justice League characters or a “zombie” apocalypse.
I’ll admit I’m confused at a portion of the outrage
GaaS, always online regardless of multiplayer, battlepasses? 100% I understand the hatred and gladly join in on it
But I’m confused how people are upset that this is a third person shooter. Neither of these characters can really hold a candle to Justice League characters or a “zombie” apocalypse.