Just wanted to come on here to ask a question/try and understand the purpose of saying we are fraudulent. Not even a week ago we were able to beat a full force Celtic team and for the most part we were controlling the game. Then we have a back to back game with missing pieces from our bench/significant scorers (Oubre and Batum) Also just an Embiid stinker where he looked sluggish and out of it, Nurse also decided to have Pat Bev and Morris on the floor at the same time combined they went 0/7. How does this mean we aren’t able to beat the Celtics consistently. If Embiid plays somewhat competent and Nurse puts out better rotations that game we win. I also get the perspective that they were missing two starters but shit happens. I seriously see this team as a contender that competes with the big teams. Regardless just wanted some answers/opinions on this matter.

  • hoagiecluB
    10 months ago

    i think some people genuinely believed we were gonna finish out the season 81-1