He has been consistently the highest winrate jungler in the game for around 5 patches now going on 6 with next patch on the way with no Ivern nerfs in sight. It’s not like he is even only overperforming in one elo bracket. Starting at gold+ he basically is tied for highest winrate with Briar (she is being nerfed again). His pick rate is obviously low, especially in lower MMR, but that shouldn’t mean a 55% winrate champ with almost zero weaknesses should just be allowed in the game.

He was already performing well before the jungle changes. Surprise surprise, a champion that kills camps at a fixed rate without having to even be present gains a lot of power from a change that increases camp time to kill for every other champion. So currently his early game agency is virtually unmatched, he gets just as much if not more farm than other junglers, he’s basically unkillable and outskirmishes champions building full damage. He can literally stand still and shield himself while standing in a bush and 1v1 me as Kayn with a dirk. He’s strong mid game. The only way to win versus Ivern is go super later game and hope you have enough damage to one shot him or his teammates through shields. Most games don’t go past 30 minutes and his winrate doesn’t drop to 50% until 40 minutes. This doesn’t seem like reasonable counterplay.

  • ChromedCatB
    10 months ago

    He’s ridiculously strong, but he’s not “in your face” strong. Briar one shotting 3 people ina frenzy? You can see the champion being strong and assume she’s overtuned. Enemy Shaco doesn’t have any kills because not only does Ivern show up to lanes before him, but he also adds a camp to his CS advantage, people claim jg diff and blame the player. Ivern doesn’t feel op to other players and therefore they don’t complain about it. It’s similar to how fiddle used to full clear from level 1 AND take the opponent’s gromp/krugs before they could get there. He would clear ridiculously fast and people would claim jg diff claiming that fiddle would “perma gank” while out CSing you. Unless a Rioter gets a series of bad games vs a bad Ivern who still wins while playing like shit, I don’t think he’s going to get nerfed.

    On the brightside, if you wanted mastery 5 on him, nows the right time to learn his clear and spam him.

  • Golem8752B
    10 months ago

    Old Asol also had like 57% winrate in high elo because the 3 people who played him were very good at him but overall he wasn‘t an overpowered champion. Same goes for Ivern, not a lot of people play him because he just plays a different game. If you play Vi you can swap to J4 without much issue but Ivern is just so different in playstyle and gameplay that he doesn‘t see much use.

  • akbays35B
    10 months ago

    As someone who plays Ivern his ability to distract the enemy assassin trying to invade and steal his camps is peak comedy.

  • Zealousideal_Year405B
    10 months ago

    because he’s boring as shit to play

    balance team never looks at boring/underplayed champs… Zilean has been incredibly OP and toxic yet nobody plays him so he doesn’t ever get looked at

  • blablabla2384B
    10 months ago

    Ivern needs to be nerfed. No champion should get to be number 1 highest win-rate and not be balanced. Balancing must be done to make a more fair gameplay for everyone.

  • LilTempoB
    10 months ago

    Sites don’t have accurate w/r data after the implementation of emerald