The player base is half as toxic as the devs.
The player base is half as toxic as the devs.
I feel this way about Darius, if my teammate is too dumb to play Garen he deserves his champ to be banned. I always ban Kayn though, Danny Phantom go ghost other people’s games.
Biggest problem with League is the time investment per game. They really need to ARAM SR with starting level 3 and gold and xp gain because we really don’t need 20 minute laning phases.
Because they’ve seen him jungle in korea.
It’s really hard to judge anything on the pbe due to some bug exploits that Riot hasn’t fixed yet and Hwei being blatantly overtuned. The whole thing is a bug ridden mess right now and it’s even hard to tell when new items and reworked old items are even procing. I’m excited for some of the changes, but I don’t know what Riot is going to walk back or nerf into the ground, mostly on Tank/Jungler/Support itemization since some of this can easily gain tempo against your opponent in indirect ways and typically those are the first on the nerf block. I do think there is some favoritism towards mages and they are in a weird spot right now, both being bullied in some lanes and pushed to other lanes and Bruisers and Slayers are way over tuned right now but I think that’s due to the xp problems with the game involving jungle/botlane and champion snowball, some champions needing better readability on their kits for counterplay, teleport needing nerfs because of how powerful it is late game, Hullbreaker, and gold allocation on turrets. Season 14 is just adding more bugs and damage to the game that are probably having to be removed and we will be right back to Season 12.5 with a different map to play on.
From what I’ve seen it’s a stack of old league problems plus new league problems of long drawn out games and heavy damage snowball. Biggest issue is that Riot hasn’t fixed the xp issue with laners and have made Jungling more of a supportive role. I think Grubs break the game in some ways and the midgame sieging is annoying. Hwei is clearly overtuned on his damage for a champ with 10 abilities and people are too distracted by him clearing waves and one shotting to remember he has like 3 types of cc, mobility, aoe shielding. Assassin items are bonkers but tank stacking seems more viable. Right now the game needs to give a little more xp to farming/counter junglers and the support item needs to give passive xp so they can roam and go to any lane they want and remove the shared xp for both of these roles. More than half of the roles in this game fall behind xp of top and mid and that’s really inconsiderate for Riot to make these roles feel secondary.
Morgana from Persona 5, but I can’t tell if it’s unintentional or not.
Morgana from Persona 5, but I can’t tell if it’s unintentional or not.
I think Bauss is making an organization: team Ligma.
I play ranked for a couple of chests for ranked rewards and those really aren’t worth the headache. Some (many) of these players in my games would feed to beginner bots. I think there should be a forced practice tool session before you queue for ranked or something or you can’t play ranked without certain minimum 3 mastery in champions. It’s very tilting playing ranked my teammates are either asleep, mad, drunk, or just a je ne sais quoi hostilité and for some reason my opponents seem more motivated to press keys on their keyboard and click their mouse and buy items at the shop.
I think old ADCs need more ammo mechanics. Champions like Sivir, Corki, Twitch, and others could use some revamps in their kits. Biggest issue is that Riot keeps making over tuned champion kits that are also one dimensional. Rell has the same play rate as Skarner even though she brings the same utility as Renekton, Renata is pretty good she just isn’t played as much and is more of a counterpick support. Milio’s kit makes no sense and he only fits into specific comps even though he has a powerful exploit with his W and Hextech Alternator, Briar is an autopilot Warwick, Naafiri I think is overall ok except her wave clear and doge ability shielding might make her too safe in lane compared to other assassins. K’sante has more dashes than Riven and he’s a tank. Sett might be a giga busted champion, but his playstyle feels really braindead. More mages need Orianna utility, that’s what actually makes her broken and they don’t budget her abilities properly.
As someone who plays Ivern his ability to distract the enemy assassin trying to invade and steal his camps is peak comedy.
I am a Support/Jungler, I am not even a top laner and I find her problematic over a 3% hp shield buff she got last year that she kept after the durability patch because that tiny chunk of hp in an early game trade makes her impossible to deal with when all damage runes got nerfed especially with champions like Yone and K’sante running around. She’s overtuned with 51-2% winrate and close to 5% pick rate. I’m asking specifically that her passive lose 20 hp at level 1.
I’m not asking for a big nerf, I just think she’s just a touch bit too tanky for all the other things in her kit. 20% of her max hp is a shield, for reference Malphite gets 9%. She also has cc and high mobility and damage, I just think her passive just tanks too much to effectively trade against her if she gets a level lead or just builds bruiser items like Shojin and Divine.
I don’t think it’s Phreak’s fault, but there is some stale stuff going on in Summoners Rift that really needs addressing. Biggest issue right now is xp, junglers and bot don’t have enough and mid and top can get too much of it early and snowball an uncatchable lead making the games simultaneously boring with no agency for more than half the team. If my top loses, we pretty much lose the game at that point and there’s no coming back from it and it’s hard to dedicate so much resources just to shut down one person and I don’t like my games decided on 2 deaths and 30 farm from the early game not because of losing, but not being able to really play the game. Wasting 6-8 people’s time on a level 1-2 matchup is not fun gameplay. I also think they should turn off home guards to stop the jungle cheese, most of my games just feel like a time waste if my team isn’t on board with level 1 cheese strategies and I think it’s dumb in a game that locks you into a typical 30 minutes of farming creeps under tower and 4 decisive fights in a game.
League of Legends ruined the tower defense genre.
Briar needs a rework, at this point you guys are going to nerf her where she can’t jungle anymore and she can’t lane because of her weird kit. K’sante needs a rework too, you can’t just keep making broken champions, overbuffing them, then nerfing them in a cycle of madness.
As a player who pings missing enemy exactly on an enemy leaving vision in a brush twice, I find the system works fine.
Just stick with Yuumi, don’t listen to the haters. You can go Korean Hail of Blades Janna before Riot curls up in the corner wondering why they keep having one night stands with their ex and repeating the same mistakes over and over again.