• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • I think a lot of people dont run the numbers, but instead look at the general idea behind an item. Horizon has CDR while shadowflame has Pen. You’d assume off of that that Shadowflame damage > Horizon, but you’re right about it dealing more (as long as you can proc it). You can also proc it by slowing people which everyone and their mother can do so it should indeed have a higher pick rate than shadow flame. As a Shaco main, the reveal is almost more annoying than the actual damage. Champions like Shaco, Akali, Talon can’t get in safely for what feels an eternity just because Lux max range Eed you once right as dragon starts getting low.

  • He’s ridiculously strong, but he’s not “in your face” strong. Briar one shotting 3 people ina frenzy? You can see the champion being strong and assume she’s overtuned. Enemy Shaco doesn’t have any kills because not only does Ivern show up to lanes before him, but he also adds a camp to his CS advantage, people claim jg diff and blame the player. Ivern doesn’t feel op to other players and therefore they don’t complain about it. It’s similar to how fiddle used to full clear from level 1 AND take the opponent’s gromp/krugs before they could get there. He would clear ridiculously fast and people would claim jg diff claiming that fiddle would “perma gank” while out CSing you. Unless a Rioter gets a series of bad games vs a bad Ivern who still wins while playing like shit, I don’t think he’s going to get nerfed.

    On the brightside, if you wanted mastery 5 on him, nows the right time to learn his clear and spam him.

  • When I first started playing, I was too nervous to play against real players so I would always "warm-up in coops vs ai. After a while, I started winning “too easily” so I decided that I would use that warm-up game to learn new champions. Everyday I would look at the free champion rotation and pick one that I had never played. I would gloss over the abilities then play a bot game with them. A couple years later and I had very basic knowledge of every champion. I was then able to follow along videos showcasing specific mechanics about a certain champion. I would say that today, I probably know about 80% of every champion’s specific interactions