In my own games and watching cyx, the consensus seems to be ana is much worse for hog now as she’s even more incentivized to anti him, but aside from breather (probably, don’t know what changes ana and zen are getting in season 8) needing a little nudge upwards, I think he’s in a great spot. I feel threatening at all times when playing hog now instead of just when hook is off cooldown, his gun feels great, the trap is very fun (especially as a junkrat player) and hooking someone as long as you plan for a combo with pre fire or trap almost always leads into a kill if they aren’t a tank. I love it.

    1 年前

    I think he’s improved. however I do believe he should’ve been comp locked for a week (although they already pushed the rework back , so I get that aspect of it) I’m just sorry for everyone who’s losing games because their tank is experimenting with Hog before trying it out in QP first. A lot of people who haven’t been playing returned to try it out, a lot of DPS and support mains trying it too and it’s just a recipe for a loss (and possible misconception of his strength) to be played by someone who’s not fluid with the tank role , or doesn’t have a hero to swap to when it’s not working.