My GTX-1080 is getting a little long in the tooth, I’m thinking of going all AMD on my Linux Mint gaming rig here, but…is there anything I need to do or install or uninstall to switch to an AMD card from an Nvidia one?

I’ve never done this before on a Linux system; I’ve got my Intel/Radeon laptop, and my Ryzen/GeForce desktop and that’s most of my Linux experience.

    1 year ago

    Yes. X11 these days usually auto-configures on its own (to my understanding, at least) - when you generate one with Nvidia’s settings it will add some stuff that is specific to the Nvidia driver, and thus once the card/drivers isn’t present, then X11 can’t start.

    I had removed the drivers before swapping out the card in preparation, so I’m not 100% sure if said proprietary extensions doesn’t load because of the lack of drivers, or the lack of the card itself - probably both to be honest.

    But either way, X11 wasn’t affected by the removal of the custom config, and there wasn’t ever one present until I made one via nvidia-settings (other than, it started working of course).