Lets try and get some perspective. Whatever happens with Bill and the Pats, we should try and remember the excellence that we all enjoyed over the last 20 years. We somehow came to take for granted winning the AFC ( which we did 9 times ) and 9 Superbowl appearances with 6 titles… None of that happens without Bill. The Bill-Brady combo was a powerhouse, and we all benefitted. Whether Bill goes somewhere else, JUST LIKE BRADY DID, we should lay off the daily beatings. 3rd winningest coach in history, he deserves our respect.

  • BelichicksBurnerB
    10 months ago

    It is possible to respect what someone has done previously while also being critical of what they are doing currently. Ask yourself this: what has Bill Belichick done RIGHT over the past 4 seasons?

    Has he drafted well? Not really.

    Has he developed young talent well? No. Almost every young player has regressed over the past 2 years.

    Has he hit any home runs in free agency? Once with Judon, who is over 30 and going to be a FA next year.

    Does he still have control of the locker room? Doesn’t appear so. He just had to cut Jack Jones and will likely need to do something similar with JC Jackson at some point due to them both going totally off the reservation and being just generally bad teammates. These are guys who should have been falling over themselves to fall in line behind Bill, as he essentially attempted to save both of their careers. Instead, they basically flipped him the bird and did their own thing to the point where one of them got flat out fired.

    Does the team feel like it is going in a positive direction? If there is a direction or plan, I certainly don’t see it. What’s this teams starting roster even going to look like next year? No one knows.