I am playing Devils advocate in this post. Here is a list I’ve started with what would you add?

  • zero mtx

  • live service (new maps, modes, and in game items) every 3 months (?)

  • everything is unlockable with minimal grind

  • 5 dollars a month max ( I just made it a monthly sub instead of actual hourly)

  • interactive devs that work with the community

  • bug fixes and gameplay improvements at least monthly.

  • blatant problems fixed asap

  • good anti cheat that’s always being updated

What do you think? It could make games more competitive to try and give you the best bang for your buck with the monthly sub.

The problem is they get people hooked. And then start to strip away these once they have a big player base or they increase the price. Similar to Netflix.

  • ThreeStoogesFanB
    10 months ago

    I’d go to an arcade for hourly gaming. Still cheaper than whatever the ceo’s are spewing out.