We’re not even sure if IceFrog still works with Valve.
League’s pro meta is really incomparable, majority of those unpicked heroes have bad reputations in league pubs and often considered to be super obnoxious to play against despite not even being preferred by pros, whereas in Dota heroes that go unpicked in pro sees 0 pub play or performs poorly if picked.
Irelia, Katarina, Samira & Shaco are the biggest examples here.
I kinda like this meta more as teams can get together and push, strangulating the carry’s option for farm. but the roshan outpost placements also allows opposing carry to farm in opponent’s neutral zone.
it’s kinda more interesting for me. also, have been playing rightclick zues with manta + 6% arc lightning HP dmg.
Y f League, don’t understand how some one can play this visual nightmare anyways.
League was great in the earlier seasons.
Once they started making things easier by adding those plants everywhere in river and jungle, and kept adding characters that weren’t entirely unique… game got dull.
Dota 2 is way better imo
I quit once I realized the balance team was a bunch of chimpanzees. They buff a jungle item that makes Sejuanni overpowered. Instead of nerfing the item, they nerf Sejuanni but she’s still too strong. They then nerf the item but don’t revert the nerf to Sejuanni so she goes in the dumpster.
And these are the people who strut around thinking they’re gaming royalty. Fuck Riot.
Jesus that sucks
Dota players care more about other games than their own games
This subs obsession with League is sad. They don’t think of you at all, you know.
League’s balance is entirely different from Dota’s. If those other champions were in the meta or picked, it really wouldn’t change much about how the game plays. League is much closer to a fighting game than it is to Dota’s draft picking style. A lot of champions overlap in what they accomplish, so there’s always going to a stricter meta pick for a specific role. Not to mention League has a ton of champions now. 165 and counting. League champions aren’t as concerned with filling a niche as they are with providing a new style of play, even if that specific style doesn’t fill a void from a systems perspective.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love it if every champion was competitive at the highest level, but the way the game is balanced, some champions have a lot more work to do if they are picked than others.
thank you frost toad
Damn, 77 unpicked out of how many?
Go look up 25 of the best league plays of all time. I think number 6 is a dude using the fog of war to TP while being chased by the enemy team and it works. How many times in the last year have you all just simply TP’d
Tp in LoL is cancelled by all hero damage right?
League tp is very long lil bro
dotard’s pavlovian reaction to any criticism of dota is to spew out “but league”