It usually takes me less than 1 minute to notice if my Hard Support is a role queue farmer or not.

Very often, if my Hard Support picks Lion, Lina, Rubick for Hard Support, he is 100% farming role queues.

From this day and until the day I’m alive, I will never play position 1 again.

Pos 5 is my calling.

I will be there for you.

I will pressure the enemy pos 4 @ 1:30 so that I’m able to stack

I will smoke us in base, put up nice wards before enemies arrive

I will be giving you Tangoes without you needing to ping me

I will be trading my life in lane so that you can get kills and I can bring you items

I will pressure the lane at @ 6:00 so that we can take enemy wisdom rune

I will bring you lotuses

If the lane doesn’t go well, I will stack for you and encourage you to not lose your hope

I will buy Glimmers and Forcestaves

I will be playing around my win condition

I will call out enemy vision and ganks

I will be there for you

If you throw games, I will accept that sometimes I throw as well

I won’t take my frustrations into the next game and punish you for something my previous teammate did

Together we will fight and win

  • Canas123B
    10 months ago

    I mostly play 3 but I’ve found myself queueing 5 more and more recently because I’m just so tired of dealing with 4 players, I swear they’re on average the worst at laning out of every role and it’s not even close

    Getting left to fend for myself for the first 2 minutes of the game because he wants to gank, doesn’t contest enemy pulls while having atrocious pull timing himself essentially gifting the enemy team a free large camp, completely disregarding my ability to farm if it means they can inconvenience the enemy team even the slightest, and so on and so on

    And don’t even get me started on the dumb fucking heroes they pick, like if I have to lane with another pudge or timbersaw (yes, really) or nyx I feel like I’m going to scream

    LOW IMMORTAL BTW :))))))