1. Fields + Harrison Jr. and Laiatu Latu

  2. Williams or Maye and Latu

  3. Harrison Jr. and JJ McCarthy + Harbaugh

  4. Another option

I’d be torn between options 2 and 3, personally. I think Harbaugh would restore respectability to the organization and might be enticed by the opportunity to continue coaching McCarthy, who is still really young and moldable. It’s easy to forget the kid isn’t even 21 yet and can still add a lot of mass to his frame. Personally, I’m ready to move on from Fields and start over, too.

  • whatlambdaB
    10 months ago

    I like option 3 a lot if you keep Fields for one more year. It might also be interesting to retain Getsy to work under Harbaugh – you could take a position of modifying the playbook gradually instead of simply introducing an entire new system. Flus isn’t really in a position to override Getsy, but Harbaugh would be.

    So you’d have Getsy operating as an understudy to Harbaugh, and McCarthy getting a year carrying a clipboard under Fields, with Bagent able to stand in in the event of injury. And you’d have MHJ. That feels a lot healthier than starting from scratch with a mercurial HC and a rookie QB.