2020: We won both games, so doesn’t matter even if last one wasn’t great (though the one at home was a two-score win)

2021: Lost both, but we played better in the second game which was at home all the way until the final 30 seconds

2022: Lost first one at home (with Wentz as QB), won the second

2023: Barely lost the first one at Philly, TBD on second game

I keep hearing that we play Philly worse at home. That was only the case last year. There isn’t much of a trend, except for the fact that the last two years has shown us play better against Philly in the second game.

  • schmuckmulliganB
    11 months ago

    I feel like we’re having one of those slip-sliding away seasons rather than a “frenetic burst of midseason energy that restores us to competition before inevitable disappoint” seasons.

    Coaches and players are mostly flat and in full blah mode. The few guys on the team who can’t help but compete are pissed off.