For me, it is Bard. He not only embodies the lore of cosmic being that just flies around, but also his kit doesn’t ever feel overly oppressive. Whenever a bard destroys me, it feels like it is because he played well, not his champ being busted.

Let’s give the devs some love, who do you think is the best designed champ?

  • Qweedo420B
    10 months ago

    Post-rework Akali was peak champion design imho, and she was one of the coolest champions even after they made her first R point and click. She was unique, because unlike other assassins, she couldn’t just go in and oneshot a squishy, she had to make perfect use of spacing, go back and forth, use all her tools to outplay the opponent, gain time and then execute

    But then she just went downhill, change after change, and now she’s just the average oneshot assassin with no counterplay

    Azir and Kalista are also some of the best champions in terms of design, skill expression and satisfaction