For me, it is Bard. He not only embodies the lore of cosmic being that just flies around, but also his kit doesn’t ever feel overly oppressive. Whenever a bard destroys me, it feels like it is because he played well, not his champ being busted.

Let’s give the devs some love, who do you think is the best designed champ?

  • PapaTahmB
    1 year ago

    Thresh is really overloaded though.

    If you compare him with the other Melee Catcher in the game Blitz, you can notice how overloaded his kit is.

    While he is a neat champion to play, when Thresh is strong, it’s not a nice meta, most champion can’t do shit against his kit.

    Best Design is something that feels fair fighting against and with, not something that if mastered has an unfair advantage over other champions unless it’s nerfed to the ground.

    Engage Support wise I would say it’s probably Leona is the best designed Champion, she is very tame, you know what she does, her kit is very simple and straightfoward and you can play around her kit and cooldowns, there is no bullshit, even on the Hextech front.