Meh, it’s funded directly by riot rather than tournaments being hosted simply because they like the game. It’s very enjoyable right now though.
Meh, it’s funded directly by riot rather than tournaments being hosted simply because they like the game. It’s very enjoyable right now though.
Having played RTS before but not MOBA’s learning LoL wasn’t hard. These days it should be even easier, get gold buy the recommended items GG.
Even after knowing LoL learning DotA is just too much, I went on a crazy winstreak after learning how a hero works but I had no idea why I was or wasn’t getting kills, it’s too cryptic. In dota a champ will cast a spell on your once every 30 sec to a minute, so you have no chance to learn it. In league it’s spammed out a million times so you learn just by looking at it.
They could turn chat and pings on for new players I feel like the walter white meme yelling at them trying to teach them in team chat that supports go bot lane and not top
Maybe im just a natural at the champion but i find her very similar to garen in toplane that you just choose the right fights and then it plays itself
IDK, the game is very fun imo.
I think that even if red side turns out to be objectively stronger red side will still have a lower win rate due to a lot of people centering their camera on their character.
I really don’t understand how people can play like that, some of the ranges are literally longer than what you can see.
Briar does not have a very steep mastery curve. She’s got almost no micro so as long as you play smart you pick her up really quickly.
I just hope at the end of briars nerfs she’s still good top. Been crushing it in quickplay on her.
I think corki is kinda cool when he flys in and shoots a lot.
I really don’t get why people buy passes and lootboxes in this game. Who wants a random skin of a champ you barely play when the only skins you actually want are specific skins for specific champs?
There are thousands of skins so getting the one you want is 1/1000, just pay the up front cost lmao.
Listen i played lux and i missed everything therefore i hate vayne now
Vayne is so fucking stupid, she has a “dodge any skillshots” button.
Yes! she’s so fucking hot!
And not too mechanical or complicated. I love playing against her she’s like a warwick on steroids that sometimes gives me free kills under tower.
Ezreal mogs this guy hard in the looks department when it comes to androgynous guys in league.
Rengar is actually one of the champs I tried and find “not fun”.
Having to slowly press your buttons so you dont accidentally use the wrong empowered ability, followed by the fact that if your combo is almost instant but not quite, so can be reacted to, while that is the only use you have, makes it not so fun for me.
Only if it goes super late and they somehow got farm. Plus I just splitpush and on garen if I got flash up I flash Q E R any ADC if they try anything.
I want to say nami but realistically it’s gotta be lulu.
But play zyra, she’s the most fun.
Yeah if the expectation is that im gonna use voice like in cs i’d rather just not play. In CS i just mute peole who tell me to go voice.
Illaoi E :( really bad one