Bowles and Canales with some head scratchers out there today.

Two dropped TDs didn’t help.

Oh well, I’m sure we’ll hear about practicing hard and executing better a bunch this week.

Bright side, Mike Evans a TD at least?

  • luv2fitB
    10 months ago

    My heart is angry and wants to grab a pitch fork and go after everybody in charge of this team. My head says is there really any coach that could have taken this team to better than 5-5 or 6-4 (at best) under these same circumstances? I can name maybe two or three coaches who might be able to eke out a few more wins with our personnel issues given our salary cap situation. I mean firing Bowles might makes us all feel better but it’s not like anyone else could do much better with the hand dealt this year.

    Think back to Brady’s first year when we went all-in for the super bowl, knowing that it is not a good long term strategy. When we won a SB, we all said it was worth it even knowing that we were mortgaging the future. Now that the future is here, many of us seem to be forgetting we knew that it was all going to have to be torn down and start over. I am reminding myself that 4-6 is actually not unexpected given the circumstances.