I’m not trying to make a point or argue keeping him, his short tenure here has been abysmally disappointing to say the least, but I do want some clarity. Why fire him halfway through his first season here? I feel like this would be yet another knee jerk reaction to try and save… what, I don’t know.

And on top of that, I don’t really see Evero (or anyone) making any big splashes if he was made interim, no better than what happened to Wilks last season. This team is not good, from personnel up so if we lose out anyways that just makes Evero look bad and we’ll let him go, he’s not going back to DC.

  • Nice-Membership4142B
    10 months ago

    What happens if Reich is fired, what respectable coach will want the job? And, what happens if this scenario plays out and all of Bryce’s lack of physical traits (arm talent, size) are just as evident?

    From the eyeball test it appears the QB play is the worst thing going right now. Worst than the HC.

    • Purple1829B
      10 months ago

      I always find the “who will want to come here” comments to be so silly.

      There are 32 total NFL head coaching jobs available in the world. There are maybe 5-6 openings a year. In addition to that, Tepper is willing to pay very well.

      Getting a head coach to be interested in coaching here isn’t going to be a problem. Same with GM