There’s not a single role that I would consider bad for Tali. Yeah she might not be the greatest top laner, but she still has so much mobility with TP, ult and passive, and she scales a lot. She has become my default auto fill pick regardless of the role.
Pantheon and Gragas do most better.
Back in the day lulu used to be an actual viable pick in all 5 positions
AD/AP Lulu as top laner
AD Lulu as jungler
AP Lulu as mid laner
AD Lulu as adc
AP/Sup Lulu as support
There was actually a point in time when AP Lulu jungle was popping up for a little while, this was like Season 5 or 6 or somewhere in there when people were playing random stuff like Ezreal jungle too
Taliyah, Gragas, Pantheon, Karthus, Twitch, Swain, Brand are the other champs I’d say can do 4 positions to a level that isn’t griefing your team