Alright, realistically I realize it probably won’t happen until the end of the season. But hell, I was hoping to wake up and see some good news dangit.

Frank Reich isn’t the long term answer. Bryce young still has a chance to be and I realize regularly changing coaches during a QB’s career is rough on them, but having a shitty O line and shitty coaching is going to be even worse in the long run. Get Reich out, get Fitt out, and build a team to at least give Bryce a chance to show us what he can do over the next few seasons of his rookie contract.

  • RippleFatManB
    10 months ago

    One year in, and you are ready to throw in the towel? The man deserves another season. Us Bears fans are counting on a high second-round pick for 2025.

  • pancaketac0B
    10 months ago

    Another day…another disappointment…that’s just life as a Panthers fan.

  • Sabre500B
    10 months ago

    I get that firing Fitterer accomplishes nothing at this time, because he’s not really doing anything and his real duties won’t begin for a couple months anyways, but Reich is having an immediate direct impact on the team right now and this includes potentially crippling the guy we spent a ton of resources on. Firing Reich now potentially reduces the chances of us calling it quits with a permanently ruined expensive QB, and that’s really all that matters to me. We need to make the moves now to salvage what we can with Bryce otherwise we’re pretty much locked into drafting a new QB once we have a FRP in 2025

  • rmccarthy10B
    10 months ago

    Because there are no WRs…RBs…or competent O-Linemen on this team…so wins were not expected by logical people…

    It’s a 3 yr build given the assets that were sacrificed for Bryce Young and the overall complete lack of talent on offense… only the local media and idiots thought this was a .500 team going into this season.

    The kid has no time to throw… And no one to throw too… how is that Frank Reichs fault? And what is it going to do for Bryce Young going into year two with a completely new unfamiliar set of coaches??

  • historywasrewrittenB
    10 months ago

    Chris Lee on (99.9 the fan) made a good point that the best time to fire would have been after that awful Bears loss, because at least they had a few extra days to figure out all the interim coaching situation. I’m all for firing him right here and now, but if Tepper didn’t fire Fitterer and Reich then, he might just be planning to at the end of the season.

    My main reason for firing his ass now is not even scheme related, it’s his complete apathy that shows so plain and clear to see. Dude has accepted this is fucked and he just does not seem to care. He’s still making bank any way the season goes. We need someone with some energy and some discipline to take over NOW, the penalties are out of control, and the player and fan morale is at an all time low.

    • jesuswasahipsterB
      10 months ago

      I disagree, the best time to fire is now. It would have been shitty to throw an interim head coach into the fire that was facing Dallas at an away game in Charlotte. It also gave Reich the opportunity to do something special (beat a much better team) to save his job. Now we have a cupcake schedule the rest of the way. An interim head coach has the opportunity to gain some momentum, make a case for themselves, and somewhat redeem the season.