I dislike Canada as much as the next guy. But what is going on with these media questions? “How did Matt handle the news?” Seriously? I don’t know, maybe I’m overreacting but what a classless question.

  • shaad20B
    10 months ago

    I was talking about it in another thread, it was almost surreal to listen to. With the business of sport you almost forget that we’re talking about someone that just lost their job/livelihood, and the necessary tact that should come when discussing that.

  • marvologyB
    10 months ago

    Sports media is the lowest form of media and that’s saying a lot. They all want to manufacture strife, beef, division, mutinies, whether it’s there or not because they want eyeballs on content.

    Notice if you watch in interviews what shows up in or the news is what the player said and not the context with the actual question:

    Reporter: “Do you think you’ll win this week?”

    Player: “Sure, I wouldn’t show up if I didn’t think we could win every game”

    ESPN Breaking News! “John Smith GUARANTEES the Poughkeepsie Pumpkins will beat their division rivals!!!”

    EDIT: We just had a sideline report (forget name) admit she made up halftime reports.

  • mickeyguitar95B
    10 months ago

    Not going to pretend I wasn’t calling for Canada to be fired but… I do kinda feel bad he got fired right before Thanksgiving. There’s no good time to lose your job no matter your income level. Still, this might be the best move for him moving forward. Hearing “Fire Canada” shouted across the country for the entirety of a season has got to be brutal on your mental health. He can take some time out of the limelight, and go back to coaching college where the pressure will be much less. Wish him well on a human level.