Champions with true damage:

Ahri (Q)

Amumu (passive)

Aurelion Sol (E execute)

Bel’Veth ®

Camille (Q)

Cho’Gath ®

Darius ®

Draven ®

Fiora (passive + R)

Gangplank (passive + R)

Garen ®

Gwen (Q)

Kog’Maw (passive)

K’Sante (passive)

Lillia (Q)

Master Yi (E)

Olaf (E)

Pyke ®

Rek’Sai (E)

Sett (W)

Syndra (W with fully stacked passive + R execute)

Twitch (passive)

Urgot (R execute)

Vayne (Q)

Vel’Koz (passive)

Yone (E)

Zoe (E)

  • AtreusIsBackB
    1 年前

    I’m not a huge fan of true damage. I think true damage should be reserved for Ignite, making it a unique damage type. Everything else should simply have bonus armor/magic resist penetration if they want to amp up the damage. But leave true damage out of champion kits and items.