Allow me to refresh your memory:
Dec 4th, 2022 - Bengals vs Chiefs - we had a crucial 4th quarter fumble in the red zone by Travis Kelce that cost us the game against the Bengals. The 2022 Chiefs offense had the exact same issue we’re having this year - balls bouncing off the hands of receivers - except last year, instead of hitting the turf, the deflections went for 6 interceptions in the first 12 games. We had the exact same fan arguments - the “Chiefs are amongst the AFC leaders, despite all the random failures, and the defense is much improved thanks to trading away Tyreek - so chill, we still have a great chance of winning it all” optimists vs the “we’re squandering Mahomes’ prime, we need a WR1, and we are not good enough to win a Super Bowl without one” pessimists. Everyone shared the same core complaint: it’s Kelce and a bunch of JAGs out there.
On December 5th, after the Bengals loss, we were in virtually the same position - first place in the West by multiple games, but 2nd in the AFC playoff picture. But even with the weakest part of our schedule ahead, both then and now, we felt deeply worried about our team after losing a measuring stick game (then vs the Bengals, now vs the Eagles).
We all remember how last season turned out. But it feels like a lot of folks have forgotten the bumpy road that got us there. Keep the faith, ya’ll. This team is a work in progress. And I believe that once again, we’re going to peak at just the right time. I’m not saying we’re definitely going to win another Super Bowl. History doesn’t always repeat itself. But sometimes it rhymes.

  • smokinokieB
    10 months ago

    You get a snake in the outhouse, there will always be those that burn it down and those that no longer worry about having mice around while they poop.

    Which is another way of saying, (and not a very good one either) there’s always the “fire everybody!”crowd and the “this is fine” crowd.

    As for myself, I’m not mad, just disappointed.