In all sincerity, how do you get out and find work and should you? I’m 40F and have barely left this country. I don’t know how to make a better life for me and my children and I’m not even sure that this isn’t still the ‘safest place’ as the saying has always been. Are all governments corrupt? Are they all at risk of war? Are rich people and corporations given legal passes and tax breaks everywhere? Is there gang violence, racism and sexism everywhere? I want to live without fear that my kids could be killed by some idiot with guns, I want our family to live a life free from servitude just to to pay for car+home+health insurance and not worry we could die simply because we couldn’t afford to pay the highest price for medical care in the world, and I want to know the government or a corporation won’t be allowed to harm people and places with toxic chemicals or skipping safety measures. I want to be more than fuel for capitalism. This is a serious question. I’ve intentionally left my home country out but I’m sure you have guessed.

  • dak0taaaaB
    10 months ago

    Yes all governments are corrupt to an extent and the rich get richer everywhere even in socialist “utopias” like the NL (source: I live here). Right wing leaders and fascism are also on the rise in many European countries.

  • thalamisaB
    10 months ago

    I left my home country at the age of 36. The best decision in my life so far.

  • KeyNoise2434B
    10 months ago

    I was just talking about this.

    I don’t know about 40s but when i was in my last 20s i movie to another country and started new, i literally had the close on my back, my passport and a camera.

    I hated everything about my life a this was my last attempt at making something of it, it was fly or bie and did fly.

    The start was rough but so was every before this but within the the fist month i had my kind of dream job, something i had wanted to do since i was a kid and by the second month i met my now wife and we 4 kids and 3 cats, life if perfect.

    And yes maybe that would of happened if i had stayed put or it could of gotten worse or moving could of been but it the time is it seemed like a good idea and the only way out.

  • rarsamxB
    10 months ago

    The world is wanderful and awfulnat the same time. It depends on the lot you get and your perspective. Even in the same country there may be scary and wonderful places.

    Here is a thought. When I left my original country I thought. I’ll do my best, but if I can’t find a job and I have enough money for my return ticket, I’ll be back. Well, I didn’t go back.

    So, when ypu leave out of your own volition, you can always come back.

  • GoldenPropertyB
    10 months ago

    I know people over 40 starting new chapters in different countries. My advice like others have mentioned is to get off the news and social media channels that are just straight up fear mongering.

    Every country has it’s own issues because every society is full of flawed people. Not a single one of us is perfect so there is no utopia on this Earth no matter what influencers of any kind will tell you.

    As the child of a single mother who left her old way of living as a Doctor in our home country to explore other avenues, I can only say that I’m infinitely grateful for my mother’s courage.

  • Mountain_Man321B
    10 months ago

    You are a dupe of Main Street media. Unless you live in a liberal run ghetto you will never be safer than in America. Unless you want to flee to a place with no diversity