Won Spring 2022 Finals in MSI 2022. Finals in Summer 2022. Finals in Worlds 2022. Finals in Spring 2023.

It is a less clear, but achievement wise the same as a Silver Road :). It ignores the meta shifts a bit, but you need to win or at least make finals now to go to MSI.

If that does count as a Silver Road lets count that in as it pushes in incoming Golden Road :^)

Other question": did any time got the golden road if we count this way in? Being in a row instead of being in the same year.

Whatever place Spring, Win MSI, Summer, Worlds, Spring, whatever place MSI.

It is just meant to be a funfact and is based on my curiosity.

  • FudgeOld6122B
    10 months ago

    SKT 2015, 2016 & 2017 did it and they almost did it twice:

    2015 Spring 2015 summer, 2015 worlds, 2016 spring, 2016 MSI 2016 worlds, 2017 spring, 2017 MSI

    They got 8/12 titles in 3 years from 2015 to 2016 and they got 4 in row from summer 2015 to MSI 2016. So yeah, going after that definition they did complete a golden road