I’m a big Mordhau player, its one of my favorite games, but a friend of mine has a habit of getting too involved in the community and finding all the cheese strats. He memorizes all of them and gets upset whenever they are used on him, to the point he feels like “Everyone I play against is just spamming cheats”. Personally, since I don’t interact too much with the community, I’ve never had this problem. What are some personal examples like this?
Smash bros ultimate. I was taught by someone in a discord (who now is my friend after warming up to the other members) A whole year went by of me going through character after character. The 1v1’s this person and I had were basically me going 0-10 day in and day out, but I am the type to not get salty and tough it out. It wasn’t til a bit into the third year that i’ve decided to pick up Pikachu and “git gud”.
We are still friends and i’m still in the discord. Learning the game and getting beat over and over didn’t discourage me, but new member keep coming in wanting to have a chance and the guy I learned from doesn’t exactly know how to take it easy. I’m wanting to teach them, but they are all too scared now.