This sub is so thirsty to blame everything on Glenn. Yes, the defense came out soft and got beat up by the Packers early. But they tightened up after that and consistently gave the offense a chance to get back in it. Instead, the protection, run game, and offensive playcalling got outmatched by Joe fucking Barry.

  • ForkFace69B
    10 months ago

    I would blame the outcome on, in order of importance:

    -The Packers getting one of their TDs on some total bullshit.

    -Goff being pressured most of the game. He mostly kept his cool, but was exposed as a pathetically bad scrambler.

    -Coaches getting a little too silly with the 4th down shit.

    -The defense failed to pressure Love at all, there were some bonehead missed tackle type things that I’d thought were mostly cleaned up this year and there seemed to be some scheme issues.