Corrupting Potion was already barely bought by anyone and then Riot decided to give a huge buff to every starter item…except Corrupting Pot (and Tear).
Even in competitive play it has been a good while since anyone has bought it. And that is where the item was more popular due to the permanent sustain it gave
Why is it even in the game at this point? Riot probably forgot about it in the new season changes as well
The “even in pro play nobody buys it nowadays” shows exactly the lack of game sense and understanding that this whole subreddit has.
Pro play is not comparable to soloQ at all. In one case scenario you have 10 dogshit players (assuming they are below master) that have limited communication and most likely don’t always play to win while in the other you have 10 individually very good players that are on voice coms and actively try to win the game.
It’s not even close. You are literally playing a different game. Most people just cannot even realise that because their low skill and low elo game sense, can’t take them that far.