Not every one-trick will refuse to swap, occasionally some will eventually switch to try and tip the odds even if they’re worse at their non-oneitis.
What I’ve gathered:
Mercy OTPs : Moira. The most terrifying Mercy one tricks are the ones who can only swap to Moira. It usually means “DPS GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING SUCK I’LL DO IT MYSELF WITH EVIL MERCY”. Sometimes Kiriko.
Genji OTPs: Reaper. Usually when their Winston is really good, and they normally do good when they do so. Other than that, Soldier if they still can’t take down their Pharmercy.
Hanzo OTPs: Widowmaker or Ashe. Usually when their Widow is too good or they’re struggling against Pharmercy. Also Reaper if the Winston is really good.
Reinhardt OTPs: DVa when their own DPS can’t play hitscan well. Otherwise Orisa because Rein is really mid outside of gold.
Doomfist OTPs: Yes, this is rare. But usually Roadhog for some reason.
What others? Genuinely cuirious.
A DPS with no skill always swaps to Bastion when they aren’t having fun with Heroes that takes skill like widow or Hanzo
Are you saying DoomFist OTPs are rare or that them swapping is rare?
Them swapping is rare
Okay, I figured that’s what you meant. But at first I thought you were saying the other and I was like, where have you been for the last…forever?
As a Reinhardt otp, I only swap to Winston. I don’t think I have to explain why.
I used to in OW1 too. Now he’s a lot more niche, normally I play him when I’m playing against something like Zarya. Or my DPS can’t do shit against the Widow but 99% of the time it’s GG if that’s the case even with Winton.
A good Winton OT can absolutely MONSTER teams in low to mid rank still, as has always been the case
That’s true, but I’m around Diamond-Masters and it’s very unfun when the enemy insta swaps to Reaper. I can play around it but it’s unfun as fuck.
Hanzo main, meh just depends on situation. i have fun with him but ill go others just to even my play time out i normally dont stick to one other pick
Soldier OTP: Bastion (although this is because I already play Bastion a lot)
Pharah swap to Echo, although Echo is more a “sky Genji”.
Me and my friends are going to circle up and jerk off together to this post
Genji/doom 1 trick here im thinkng about learning ashe or echo (stull gonna 1 trick him) im kinda leaning to echo since shes good into monked as well not just beam heroes and pharamercy I think ill just try to master these 2 and see how far I can climb
As for doom I have to plan on swapping the chadest hero în the game (unless they add Bob as a tank)
As a mercy main I’ll go battle mercy more
I am a Mercy OTP and I do switch to Moria, but I can also switch to Lucio or Zen.
I’ve been experimenting with who I can swap to off of widow thanks to the new sombra and all the doom mains ruining my day any time I wanna play her
Im not a otp but i pretty strictly play Hanzo unless i need to go soldier/tracer to contest (masters 1 dps, which isn’t anything crazy but just saying for example)
I primarily play Sym in dps, but I’ve been learning Ashe so I can switch to her after the first fight (I cause Pharmercy to join the enemy team)
See a lot of lucio into zen recently