What games have sound designs that make you angry for your familiarity? A shotgun noise for a handgun? That ever present using a hawk for an eagle noise?
This week I booted up DA:Inquisition and all the goats in the very first zone use horse noises. It’s been three days of trying to ignore the horse goats and I want to tie up whoever made this terrible decision and place them in a field of goats for 5 hours, then a field of horses for 5 hours so he learns the damned difference.
The chewing sound in subnautica makes me want to rip my ears off
San Andreas gun noises are also pretty bad across the board. Vice city and GTA 4 were far superior in that regard.
Fallout 4 reusing Skyrim SFX for crafting.
It’s okay, DA: Inquisition is like that at basically every level.
Audio in gaming especially multiplayer pisses me off
I’ll give you an example and this is a lot of games but I’m calling out Call of duty.
The guns are so loud playing Warzone. I couldn’t stand next to my team mates when he was rattling off an LMG. I was literally going deaf.
Skying diving in that game is the same way the wind is so 🦆ing loud while you fall.
Driving a vehicle!
The xp menus when leveling up also incredibly loud.
All of them used the same slider to control their sound.
On top of the fact if you lower the SFX which lowers gunfire and explosions (also incredibly loud) you can’t hear footsteps.
Why no company has made audio more in depth is bullshit and should be done under the guise of accountability.
They should have add submenus to all audio so you can fine tune it.
For example
SFX 0 - 100
gunfire: friendly, enemy, and your own all with individual sliders.
Vehicles: friendly, enemy, and AI. Again all with their own sliders
Footsteps: self, enemy, and friendly.
They could also add their own parameters. That way if you turn down yourself and teammates footsteps the devs decide the quietest they can go.
And do this for majority of the audio.
I don’t work with audio and I’m not a game dev so idk how hard this would be but I hope this eventually becomes the standard someday.
Stalker Call of Pripyat has a constant noise for Night Vision.
Any poorly done surround sound. Yes, a person speaking from 20 feet behind me on my right can come from just one speaker. NO, a car exploding from 20 feet behind me on my right cannot just come from one little surround speaker. Come on!!
Any game that sets home theatre or surround sound as default audio option.
99% of players ARE USUNG A TV