How do I deal with toxic players? I can’t report them because it’s not a reportable offense. I’m so sick of t-bagging and spamming voicelines and I can’t get revenge on them because they’re better at the game than me. It gets on my nerves.
Just come back out of spawn more determined to focus fire the Mercy.
Isn’t there a way to mute voice line chat? If not deff needs one. Understandable on that lol.
As for tbag well that’s been around for how long, don’t plan on that going anywhere ever. It will always be a thing. So just ignore it as it is meaningless to you in all reality.
You do you and have fun, don’t worry about other players so much. Only thing that matters is if your having fun. So ignore ignore mute whatever is needed.
I thought this was going to be about voice to text chat, but you’re really hurt by tbagging and voice lines?
It’s a game……
Go outside in the real world no t bagging outside.
🤣 oh but there is t bagging in the real world to 😁
I rarely see tea bagging and when it does happen its usual ended with the tea bagger dead.
Seriously, teabagging? Get better dude
Just report them anyways lol. I have been mass reporting people who are even remotely toxic and they get silenced the next day
How can someone care this much about some shit talk lol
The only thing you can try and do is not let it get to you. Your response to the situation will have more of an affect on you than their initial toxicity
Literally ignore it it’s not hard
Grow the fuck up
You can report them. The report system is mondo stupid and bans completely innocent people all the time. If there’s someone being actually toxic then you should definitely report them, they will likely be silenced. But if you’re asking personally, I mean I used to get angry at this game when I played it at 16 when it came out, you sort of mellow a little once your neurons have formed properly XD. But now when I see people being toxic in chat most of the time I just see a really pathetic person who isn’t good at anything in real life who’s desperately flexing the tiniest feeling of power they’re getting from a video game - in other words it’s sad. The words of these people shouldn’t effect you because anybody doing this is embarrassing themselves even if they don’t realise it. You’re better than that and involving yourself in any way, or getting hurt, is beneath you. It’s like getting into an argument with an 8 year old, sure they might be annoying but now you’re the weirdo
I turn it into a fun game where we focus each other and have our own scraps I kill them and tea bag they kill me and tea bag I solo ult them they solo ult me I always have a blast and the other person usually has fun too and it’s ends the match on a more positive note