Assume both games are equal quality, which would you prefer?

  • KvotheGB
    10 months ago

    I think a great game should have challenging moments. It keeps things interesting and keeps it from being boring. However, a frustrating game would make me want to rage quit and never pick it up again.

    Like Dark Souls is something I don’t have the patience for to keep playing or desire to get better. League of Legends I quit due to trolls and toxicity. Two different types of frustration, but both unwanted.

    Fundamentally, a game needs to be fun and balanced.

    • BladebrentOPB
      10 months ago

      yeah, I do my best to differentiate between “was this difficulty ‘fair’ or was this just cheap?” Havent played Dark Souls but I can play difficult games like Bloodborne or Hades cause deaths in those games usually feel ‘earned’. But if I get hit by stuff I had no way of knowing was there, or the game punishes me severely for a very small mistake, then its just annoying.

      Also I quit League for the same reason. I cant stand people who seem to think the only way to have fun is to be a jerk to everyone else.