Assume both games are equal quality, which would you prefer?
For me, frustration is part of a gaming experience. Without it then you’re probably playing a boring game that you don’t care about much. “Dumb” fun is totally fine but a great gaming experience involves a lot of emotion and not just “fun” :)
A boring game will lose my interest faster than a frustrating game.
Agree. Frustration just drives me away from the game. At least I have some hope for boring game.
Personally, I’d prefer a game that is boring. Cause “boring” isnt inherently a negative experience for me and, worst case scenario, I can grind through a boring game by putting a youtube video on. You could call it cheating to do that but I wrote the question so deal with it. It might also help that I dont mind analyzing other elements of the game so even if something is simple and easy to autopilot, it often just gives me time to think
On the other hand, a frustrating game just sucks to play. Im not having fun, im not in a pleasant frame of mind, and playing the game more will just get me more frustration so why should I keep playing?
I think a great game should have challenging moments. It keeps things interesting and keeps it from being boring. However, a frustrating game would make me want to rage quit and never pick it up again.
Like Dark Souls is something I don’t have the patience for to keep playing or desire to get better. League of Legends I quit due to trolls and toxicity. Two different types of frustration, but both unwanted.
Fundamentally, a game needs to be fun and balanced.
yeah, I do my best to differentiate between “was this difficulty ‘fair’ or was this just cheap?” Havent played Dark Souls but I can play difficult games like Bloodborne or Hades cause deaths in those games usually feel ‘earned’. But if I get hit by stuff I had no way of knowing was there, or the game punishes me severely for a very small mistake, then its just annoying.
Also I quit League for the same reason. I cant stand people who seem to think the only way to have fun is to be a jerk to everyone else.
Both are the same
Depends on the degree. Boring is usually worse, but there is absolutely a degree of frustrating that gets worse than boring.
Well soulslike games are frustrating but I wouldn’t call them bad 😅
For me…frustrating. That’s only bc I lack patience. I gotta learn to be patient and then figure it out.
Boring…if I’m bored, I’m just wasting my time with it