Se was around 10% + pick rate in 2020 but ever since her pick rate is slowly but steadily falling.
She is now at 1,6% popularity in emerald and below too.
The reason many high elo players quit cass has nothing to do with her hard matchups being being strong or weak in the meta.
She used to be a tempo/snowball mage with early kill pressure This has been deleted. Now she is a “scaler”.
How did she ended up in this state?
- Shes extremely immobile.
- Lowest range among mages.
- If you play for control, it opens enemy up to spam roam’s in positions you can’t follow as they can turn on you w jungler/they got t2 boots way before your MS could reach up to them
- Low burst in a game where people die instantly.
- Low pressure.
- Lowest base armor in the game (18 at start). Vladimir has 27. Even Sona has 26 at start.
- She doesnt even stand that strong against melee stat check mids anymore (yone/talon/sylas) due to apalling mana costs.
- She looses hard to mages and assassins.
- One of the few mages that rely on item passives to be playable, so her itemization really sucks.
- Component building is brutal on her (sitting on a giants belt never feels good).
- The reason shes considered a scaling champ is due of the extra 6th item slot, but games are over at three items on avg. In lower elo where games are polonged then most other mages scale better even if you reach 6th item.
- She has no % hp or true damage.
- Only way to get kills using F + R combo.
- She is flash and /or fog reliant for cheese an ult land as she is the only champion ingame where opponent’s facing orientation matters to land a stun.
- In low elo she is easy to snowball with because people dont know her damage but even tehy feel she is just outdated as her pick rate terribly low.
It’s not rly just one specific thing that made a lot of the higher elo cass mains stop playing her. Its a myriad of things that slowly grew over the years to her losing her identity as a champion.
Some of the others that quit playing her said shes high risk low reward, where she has to land a pretty easy to dodge skill shot at tier 2 boots to deal dmg, and if she misses she dies at higher ranks.
Most other champs that have that high cost to play have something to support a comeback from a lane deficit (yone early item spikes/ kat strong roam snowball pressure/ ryze w jungle river plays/ eve picks etc) whereas if she falls behind, only thing launching her back in the game is the enemy team making a major misplay.
There are so many issues with the champion I don’t even know how to propose fixes at this point.
All the issues we have listed has nothing to do with meta.
She is palyed every once in a while but at mid masters-gm elo players think even winning on her doesnt feel fun. And why play something that is not fun.
Legit no point in goung further, you ll play counter to anything i’ll say.
She doesnt rely on Stoneplate, she builds it to guarantee she stat checks you. She builds hp and ap not cuz she is forced BUT cuz she doesnt lose anything due to being a DPS MAGE, she does not suffer from CDs to be forced into having to dump the highest dmg possible in 1 spell because of a 3-4s downtime.
My verdict to you: Stare into Cassiopeia’s beautiful eyes post 6 in game of course.
Because what you say does not give the full picture of the champion.
My verdict to you: Just because someone is in dia it does not give them allmighty knowledge on the game. It just makes their opinion louder regardless of how inaccurate it is.