With our incredible run to start the season, the Magic are finally getting some well deserved attention in r/nba. It’s important that we as a fanbase decide how to represent ourselves. In my experience, our subreddit is cordial, upbeat, and excited about the future. I think we should extend that tone to r/nba.
I saw a comment in r/nba calling someone a name for calling the team the “Magics”. Imo that’s completely unnecessary. We can’t control everything or everyone, but my suggestion is we try to preserve our reputation as a positive fanbase as the team gains more attention.
who cares
What, someone called us Magics? That’s disrespectful. How can you be an NBA fan and not know the teams? Might as well call us Knights or Dolphins.
Fuck that. We been trash for 10 years. It’s our turn to be toxic.
Never go full Toronto
Just downvote those people. That’s why we have arrows!
delete this man, this is so lame lol
I’m rarely on r/nba, it’s just a lot of casuals talking our of their ass imo, but occasionally its nice to see some love for us on there, its a good measuring stick for how well your team is doing. But you’re prob not gonna stop seeing toxic Magic fans on r/nba or from any fanbase, it’s just a place to be obnoxious about your team.
I’m not going to go out of my way to be mean to people but if you are being a total dick then I will not hesitate to be one back. I appreciate anything constructive but gone are the days of people shitting all over our players unprovoked.