I’m at the point where the 9ers are the only team I’m scared of. Anything can happen any given Sunday, obviously. But the 9ers are the one team that I think can beat us even if we’re at our best. If we both play well, I feel like it’s 50/50. But I don’t know if we can play our best against them. We seem to have a mental block.

So curious about what everyone else’s thoughts are. Would you rather rematch them in the playoffs and give us a chance to really prove we’re the best and get revenge, or would you rather someone else knock them out before we would play them?

  • AccomplishedJudge584B
    10 months ago

    I’d like revenge but considering how badly they’ve had our number for awhile now I’d much rather face the lions and eagles who I think we absolutely can beat than the niners. I think at this point they’re kinda in our heads where even if we know we can win we are playing not to lose instead which is reasonable because they’ve knocked us out of the playoffs 2 straight seasons then killed us this year.

    Now I believe we’d definitely be closer the next time we play there’s no way we lose a blowout like that again to them BUT I still would rather face any other team because they just currently have our number. I’ll take making the super bowl or at least the NFC championship over getting revenge on the niners. If we did I’d be ecstatic but I just worry we’d lose another playoff game to them and idk if I can handle that for 3 straight years.