Is there anything Bill could do in your eyes to warrant him being fired? I’m not attacking this group - but I want to understand if he is simply untouchable in your eyes, or if there is a low point in which you believe BB can reach in order to want to let him go as coach and head of football ops for the Patriots.

  • FuqwonB
    10 months ago
    1. Bill has won 6 SBs. I think he can reasonably argue he deserves more than 1 chance at a rebuild. I think he’s earned that.

    2. The defense is still playing well, despite injuries.

    3. Right now the Patriots are 2-9, with 6 losses in 1 score games. I’m not saying I believe it, but it’s a reasonable argument to suggest that with a better offense the Patriots could be 8-3.

  • lagermatB
    10 months ago

    I like BB as the head coach, I want them to take away his final day as the GM though. Let him run the coaching staff game plan whatever, you’re never going to find as good of a coach as BB he is the best if all time.

    GM BB is only middle of the pack. He needs someone to take that role over.

  • MissingInBrainB
    10 months ago

    For all the big mouth, small brained, unimaginative folk in this sub, let me offer this. You put up your account for deletion and I’ll put up mine. Belichick isn’t going anywhere. Status quo, 2024. That’s my position.

    Get me harambe, proudblack, coco…the primo mouthrunners to commit to this and I’ll stake it. At this point I don’t even care if BB does stay, I just want some action and without being able to actual snatch up some of you undoubtedly small, babybois IRL, I’d like to see if there is enough juice in your plums to step up. I’m guessing no.


    10 months ago

    In my opinion, Bill is still an elite game day HC and an elite defensive mind and if I had to win one game and had two weeks to prepare, I would still choose him because of his ability to come up with an innovative game plan.

    On the other hand, I want him to cede final say on personnel decisions to someone who has following these college players not only for their final season, but for two or free years in most cases. It is extremely difficult in 2023 to be the head coach and also the final arbiter of draft. After being able to only review tape of draft prospects for two or three months, he is able to overrule scouts and other front office personnel and in recent years,thee results have been mediocre, at best. He still should have significant input but it’s time to let somebody else pick the groceries.

  • jma7400B
    10 months ago

    Up until this year I was in full support of bill. He had earned job security for 9 Super Bowl appearances and 6 wins. This year I saw how bad the team was and how he hasn’t done anything to change that. I think after this year he should be gone.

  • ksyoung17B
    10 months ago

    If he won’t allow for someone to be in a Director of Football Ops role, and won’t take on a new OC, then yeah, it’s time.

    I want Bill’s defensive mind and his integrity. I think he is still the best in the game, if they’re playing well and everyone is bought in. We haven’t watched a BB coached team that doesn’t feel they can compete before, this is new, I think that factors in. Guys get sloppy, they tune out coaching, they prioritize individual success over the team.

    I wouldn’t absolutely hate BoB back as OC with a new QB, WR corps, and O-line, but I would much rather have someone else.

    I would entertain McDaniels back… But would much prefer someone coming in with that DFO that could be the heir apparent.

  • Ok_Swing_7194B
    10 months ago

    TBH I think he is tanking on purpose at this point. “Bobby, I give you the #1 overall pick, you trade me to Dallas or LA for a 3rd”

    Maybe that’s delusional

    Equally as delusional is that I’d be fine with him coming back. But Mac has to go. Even if bill doesn’t come back, mac has to go.

    It’s not all macs fault. But it’s clear it just isn’t going to work out here. That’s ok